Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Today, my kids woke up and diarrhea'd themselves silly. Spent the morning cleaning that up, it is amazing what you can tolerate once you are a mother. I am sure it will make its rounds with all of us. Looking forward to getting sick, but hoping very much so that I don't as today I realized that I have a half marathon in a little over 3 weeks! I wanted to take a month off after the turkey trot, but it has been well over that and I am so unprepared this time. I should be up to 10 miles this week, only gotten to 4.5, wish me luck.

I received the dreaded pink paper to be called for jury duty, I reluctantly called in and registered hoping that it would be as it always has been, you call in every morning for a few days to see if they need you and they don't. Well this time I surpassed that and received an official summons letter to go to the trial. Yippee! Not at all, I blame my Grandmother for making me register when I was 18. This is the 3rd or 4th time that I have been called! I plan to be prejudice in the interview, maybe they won't call me again. "If they are mexican, GUILTY." It better be a good one.

Liam is walking! Happened the week of Christmas, doesn't prefer it quite yet, but thinks it is so funny when he does. Hallelujah!

Christmas was great, yada yada. It is so much fun with the kiddos, but oh so much work. I now see why my mother was kind of a grinch growing up ;).


jen said...

I love everything about this post... minus the shizing kids because that is the worst! It's one thing to clean yourself up, but to have to do it to someone else... blood or not. Not fun! I think next time I'll tell Taedon to figure it out on his own. haaaaa!
Oh and you will be just fine @ your race, come on now.
Lastly, is that spot still itching? I hope nothing was burned. ;)
See you soon!!
p.s. I may have to suggest People magazine... I all out of good books. Boo.

Julie Knowlton said...

You deserve diarrhea duty since you run so many half marathons. But you don't deserve jury duty. I picture you on the jury stand and I laugh myself silly. Can you imagine if we did jury duty together? We would get arrested.

P.S. I never thanked you for your Christmas card. We loved it. Bran kissed Ryan's face when he saw it. I thought that was unnecessary.