While many of you were doing this in preparation for the marathon...

(Pay back for "Legalize Leslie")
We spent the weekend with a very sick little Liam. Our whole house has been sick this last week and it has been miserable! We took Liam to the Doc on Tuesday and it was just viral, nothing too serious. By Friday things just kept getting worse and he was so lethargic so we made another trip to the doctor and he had a high fever, ear infections in both ears, and he thought he might have RSV. He was about to let us go and discussed what we need to do to keep him comfortable while his little body fights this, then he checked his heart rate which was really high and suggested we hit up Primary. So we made the trip, thinking we would just be there for a few hours, as Ryan and I needed to carb up for our early morning race. Liam's oxygen level was too low so they admitted us. It was kinda pointless because by the time we made it to the respiratory area, he started to do just fine. The doctors up there said it was due to the albuterol they had given him to help open his airways and asked if we wanted to go home. YES!!! Although by then it was 1 AM, still worth being home though. So Liam is getting better slowly. No RSV thank goodness. Bronchiolitis and ear infections. Hopefully this week is a better one.
I deserved that. And because of that I posted it on my blog. Please don't be mad at me.
Branigan said it was a good thing you didn't run the half because you would have made me look bad. Jerk. I think he really meant it.
Let's get to the real issue here. Liam. I feel like I should bring him some flowers. Or a medal for being such a trooper. The cutest trooper there ever was.
BIG Bummer. I am so sorry. We will miss you tomorrow! Lets definitely get the kids together for a day at the park soon.
Nice pic Julie... you are so serious. ha
I am so sorry about Liam!! What can I do? We really missed you yesterday, especially Taedon... he was the only boy. He sure loved picking on all the cute girls but would have loved to have a buddy to rough house with too. :)
I'm sorry your little bug has been so sick. What a bummer. Hope he is feeling better every day! Next marathon...
Ah, Les. I am so sorry. Can't believe you ran it anyway. I am glad Liam is getting better. I love your little family.
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