Thursday, May 31, 2012

Finally got these little squirts to the cabin this past weekend.  Pretty chaotic, but oh so fun.  Luckily the weather let up for us a little so we could go explore.

Might have been the #1 activity of the weekend, at least for Hadley.  Note to self, bring carrots next trip. This could have entertained them for hours!

Got me one of these...
Figured I probably shouldn't be toting Liam on my regular bike as I used to, so Ryan has taken over that while I leisurely ride this and feel a bit more comfortable.  I borrowed a neighbors so we could take a trip over to the snow cone shack and that night we picked up one for me.  Excited for more family bike outings.


Melissa said...

Sounds like a perfect weekend to me!!! Love your bike :)