Thursday, March 25, 2010

Picture Post

What we have been up to lately...


Been to a few U of U Gymnastics meets. Love it, such a great family outing. Ryan is obviously taking this photo, concentrating way too hard.


Ran Moab this past weekend. It was a fun little get away. My Mom took Isaac to Vegas to visit his cousins, so it was just the three of us. Ryan didn't run and we had some friends out there that had there sitter bail on them at the last minute so Ry watched 5 kids (wish I would have gotten photos of that)! We already booked our hotel for next year! I won't stay at the gross Super8 again. I have a goal to make it to the 10 year club. I think it is a fun tradition. Even if I don't get picked to run, I would love to volunteer.

Isaac's photo skills

Isaac is in to getting a hold of the camera. He has gotten some pretty interesting shots. Here are a few of my favorites.
We have plenty of these kind of photos where we are reaching to at least try and be in the camera. I could have posted a ton of funny ones, but I will spare you the boredom.
A Success! He finally got us centered right!


Looking forward to this holiday in our house. It is so fun now that Isaac is now starting to understand holidays and I am not the only one in the house that enjoys coloring eggs :). I don't want it to be centered around the Easter Bunny though, which is all Isaac can talk about. I am taking suggestions on how to teach a 2 year old the true meaning. Ryan's birthday falls on Easter too, so it will be an eventful day.


Lizzy said...

LOVE all these pictures!! And, I am super impressed about the Moab - way to go Les!

Melissa said...

I love their bright blue eyes! They are such handsome little dudes. Way to go on running Moab, what a fun tradition to look forward to.

Julie Knowlton said...

I love that you guys go to gymnastic meets as much Bran's parents. I love that you are a better runner than me. I love that Isaac is a photographer. I love that Liam makes me want to squeeze his eyes out. He looks a little like Hadlee in that last picture, no?

Audy & Ash said...

Oh your boys are so gorgeous I swear you had the same baby twice..they look so much alike!! Good job on running Moab that is awesome!!

Lindsey M. said...

I love those pictures. Too funny. I miss your boys! I miss Moab!! I miss your...