We had a wonderful Christmas. I can't get over how quickly it came and went.
We made cookies for Santa and all Isaac would do was lick the sprinkles.
The traditional Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve.
Was anyone else just waiting for their kids to get up? I was so excited, but they just kept on sleeping! I am sure I will be wishing for them to sleep in when they really understand what Christmas morning brings.
(yes, they both ended up in my bed in the middle of the night. I am mexican, we co-bed. Don't judge.)
What I am most proud of. I made these superhero capes for my niece and Isaac. I am sure they would be easy for someone that is confident with sewing. It was a fun project. I just wish he would wear it more!
Liam is 4 months! He rolled over for the first time last week and we missed it! He was playing on the floor in the living room while we were getting dinner ready and we checked on him to find him on his belly. We had his 4 month check up and he is healthy as can be. Weighing about 13 lbs and in the 100% for height. He is so tall!!
those babies in the bed are too good to be true!! I was up about a half hour before the kids and I couldn't wait either. I ended up waking Luke up After Audrey was up.
First I saw the picture of the Mexican co-sleeping and I judged you. Then I saw the picture of the capes you made and I became angry with you. Then I saw that last picture of Liam, and I forgave you for anything you have ever done or will ever do to me.
the pictures of the boys smiling on the couch is ridiculously cute. the new pics at the top of your blog (are those the ones sonia took?) are ridiculously cute. the boys snoozing in your bed is ridiculously cute (but how do you get any sleep?) the capes are also... you got it.
also, whoever julie knowlton is, she wins the hilarious award.
the end.
holy smokes les, those pictures on the top of your blog are DARLING. you make some cute babies!!
Man, you do make some cute babies. I love your co-bed!
So since I'm not mexican does that mean Hadlee needs to be out of my bed??
your new header is so adorable. you have the cutest little guys ever!! who took these pictures?
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