Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I have to admit, when I first saw these on cars I thought they were pretty cute. This was before I had kids and before I realized they are practically on EVERY van/suburban out there! Sorry if you have them. It makes 4 children look like a bus full! I might have to reconsider how many kids I want because of it :).


Melissa said...

LOL! My sister Ash says that four kids is a bus full...

Lindsey M. said...

Hey, were you serious about those stickers? Really? I mean, really? I always love you...and that picture of Liam as a turkey...enough.

Amanda said...

I agree...the stickers are way cliche. So sick of them. Although I did see some funny ones the other day. It was the "ass family" the mom was hard ass, the dad was dumb ass, and kids were smart ass and wise ass!